Adventure Preparation
Adventure Preparation
By Keith Denoncourt
Getting Global Rescue Insurance prior to going on any remote adventure is highly advised. There are extreme costs involved with non-insured emergency evacuations. It is best to be prepared.
If you have read any of my prior articles, you will notice a common feature. That is the message of safety. The fun and enjoyment of any adventure comes to an abrupt halt the moment any safety condition arises that can not be addressed. This is why all preventative steps must be taken to mitigate any potential emergency, or at least be able to handle it to the best of your ability. It does however need to be recognized that some injuries, by their very nature, are life threatening. Staying within your limitations, and staying within assigned boundaries, is a must. However, getting yourself physically ready, and getting a team established prior if necessary, will allow you a greater versatility in your adventure.
Whenever I start planning an adventure. I have to start months in advance. The more time that I have to individually process each specific component, the less likely that there will be an error. Especially when it comes to getting yourself physically prepared. I need to know that I have practiced enough to be efficient in my expectations. When I take the time to plan, and prepare, the less likely that I will leave something behind, or fall short in my personal readiness. It has happened to all of us that at one time we have forgotten something critical. The funniest one, for me, was when my client and I got to the hunting spot and he left his bolt for his gun back at camp. I let him borrow my rifle, because I had planned ahead, but honestly that one should have been caught sooner. Worse is when a person has come in to camp substantially underprepared, and now their physical health is at risk. This is why I, as a Guide, will pack in redundancies. It is a unwritten rule up North that if you ever see one of my clients, or myself, wearing my blaze orange toque, that a condition exists that needs to be addressed. We address it quietly, quicky and with respect. There was even a time when I slipped in to the cold water up North. Kevin McNeil, with Canadian Wildlife Adventures, and I had just finished filming some Trophy Muskox up close. It was amazing to be that close ! All we had was a camera. When we were returning to the boat, I slipped into the shallow water. It was only three feet deep, but I went right in. All I could sputter was” …save the camera…save the camera..” as my head, with an outstretched arm, went right under. Within seconds Kevin was there, he saved the camera, helped me back up, and together we climbed in to our nearby boat. At first Kevin was concerned as we had a very long ways to go back to camp. Hypothermia is real up North even in the summer. However, he immediately started laughing when I stripped out of my top gear, grabbed a towel, dried off, and completely changed my clothes right in the front of the boat. Everything that I needed was immediately available in my Emergency Preparation bag. The prepacked coffee, and snacks, that Patti McNeil prepared for us, even made the ride home incredibly enjoyable. We even saw a few more herds of Muskox enroute home. Being able to laugh off any potential emergency, and turn it in to a wonderful memory, should be your goal.
First and foremost is the safety component of any adventure. Being very close to 60, I have to take precautions that I laughed at when I was 25. Now I have to check my personal health, and get ready, months before any planned adventure. I use Doctors, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists all prior in the process of getting myself physically ready. I follow up by talking directly with my Outfitter, and being 100% forthright with my health concerns and physical limitations. I then ask point blank if we can work within those limitations. I need to know exactly what is physically expected of me. I do this without hesitation because I want to be able to not only have a successful adventure, I want to be able to enjoy it without unnecessary risks. I need the Outfitter to be honest with me about my gear expectations and if I am suited for that adventure. If the answer is no, then so be it. The Outfitters that I work with will be blunt and deny any unsafe request. They will not try to force an unsafe issue. Quite honestly, there are some adventures that I personally know have come, and gone, and will never to be had by me again. I will never be able to go after sheep, goats, or Elk again in the mountains. However there are still plenty of short spot an stalk opportunities, on several other game species, well within my means. Especially if I can coordinate extra resources. As well, tree stands, boats and blinds can still offer plenty of high quality adventures. Staying within these limitations may be hard to me to accept, but collapsing under the physical strain, well away from emergency care, is worse. Often times, support systems can be arranged if there is enough prior notice. I have had countless Trophy Muskox, Caribou and Cape Buffalo all very close several times. I know that the Outfitters that Non-Typical Nation associates with, take great pride in making your dream adventure come true. We can easily arrange extra willing staff if required. We can even pick you up and return you to the airport. The exact details of how you will have to get physically get ready will vary, however the concept is that if you can not do it repetitively, and smoothly, in practice, then you can not do it safely in the field. I love the inspirational quote” The more that you sweat in practice, the less you will bleed in battle.” I personally am limited to short, easy hikes, of less than 6 km in total. I do short hikes 5-6 times week, months in advance trying to get myself ready.
Getting your passports arranged, and getting your Health in order, has to be your top priority and must be done weeks in advance.
You will notice that both Keith Denoncourt and Kevin McNeil, with Canadian Wildlife Adventures, are wearing not only insulated, waterproof Guide Gear fishing bibs, but Insulated Survival Float Coats with GPS tracking devices already attached and activated as well.
I am usually fully packed days before the adventure starts. I use a priority approach and compartmentalize each section. I constantly review and tweak my gear in the final days before departure. I always start with a “ Wilderness Survival” kit. Included in this is my personal medications, first aid gear, as well as any vital survival equipment. Let someone on site know exactly where your personal medications are. We may need to find them rapidly so please make them easily accessible. Let people know of any pre-existing condition. Then I move on to my Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’S), or as most people call it…my clothes. My clothes are the last line of defense against the elements. I start from the ground up, and then from the inside out. Make arrangements to repeatedly encounter the worst possible weather conditions for that time of year. Start with boots and socks, work your way all of the way up, and end with what goes on your head. Then go from what goes against your skin all the way to the tips of you fingers. Include redundancies if you are able. Waterproof all of your gear ! Ask yourself “ What do you need against your body, versus what type of outer shell is required in the worst possible conditions ?”. Waterproof and windproof PPE’s is good start. Having multiple layers of high quality weather resistant gear is a must. I even waterproof a towel and place that on top of my PPE’s. The first thing that may be required in an emergency is drying off before you replace your clothes. Having those materials handy and on top will expedite the process. I often am able to remove layers throughout the day, when required, and put them back on when necessary. Better yet, is when they stay pre-packed, and unused, in my Emergency Bag. A common site in South Africa is a winter coat and shorts. The best way that I determine what I need is I talk with my Outfitter directly. Looking at their pictures of their past adventures is great indicator of what you will need. A hint is to look at the seasoned Guide. Where what they are wearing ? I laughed when I first went up Guiding in the NWT with Canadian Wildlife Adventures. When Kevin McNeil asked why I was laughing I said “ Who is going to trust a Guide with new gear ?” He laughed… Try to keep a change of clothes strictly for bed, rest, and comfort. Knowing that you have completely dry comfortable clothes back at camp, makes tolerating bad weather a little easier. Dry out your gear daily, and frequently change your clothes if you are able. Then rest up, fuel up, and get yourself ready to go out again.
The equipment that you are using is independent. Rifles may have permits that may have to get arranged, as well as they must meet certain conditions when enroute. Please check your local Outfitter or airlines for any flight restrictions. Coming to camp well practiced with your equipment goes without saying. Plan for practicing, realignment, break downs, maintenance, and have backups in place. Practicing more at camp guarantees that your equipment survived the transport, and that you are ready to go. After a long travel, it will also help to refocus your intentions. Aim small, miss small ! Highlighting kill zones, and recognizing shot placement on any new species will be provided in camp. However prior knowledge is also a key asset. If your camera gear is now packed, I would say that you are ready to go.
Adding, or subtracting layers, is a common practice. Several time a day both Keith Denoncourt and Boris Basso, with Basso Safaris, rotated out their gear to meet the existing weather conditions.
If you are planning to harvest an animal, and you need Taxidermy services, please do not hesitate to ask. Non-Typical Nation has direct contact with the the World class Taxidermy services of Dave Booth Taxidermy. Quite easily we can arrange the transportation of your harvest. We can arrange the transportation, and permits, all the way from camp, directly to the shop, then have it delivered right to your door. This does include International shipping services as well. If you have any questions, or if you would like some help arranging an adventure, please do not hesitate to give us a shout. We are more than willing to help you out !
Thank you for respecting wildlife. Always sponsor a Non-Profit Conservation organization.
- Keith
Your Outfitter will be knowledgeable about any potential dangers. If you are new to an area please do not hesitate to ask.
Having proper footwear is one of your top gear priorities. Having inadequate footwear will cripple your adventure hard and fast. Come to camp with at least two pair of your boots well broken in.
Always pack you gear well in advance. Prepare yourself, and your gear, for the worst weather conditions possible. Plan your own rescue and recovery. Enjoy your adventure to the fullest and take lots of pictures.
Being new to any area can be intimidating. Getting yourself prepared to identify, and respond, to any potential danger in a must. Furthermore deliberate and decisive steps must be taken to prevent a negative encounter.